Gerardo Olivares-搜索结果

  • 十四公里 14 Kilometros


    导演:Gerardo Olivares   编剧:

    主演:Adoum Moussa, Illiassou Mahamadou Alzouma, Amiko Kanaya

      Politicians and sociologists are one in saying that immigration is the main problem which the West would face in the 21st century. The African and European continents are separated by the Strait of Gibraltar with just "14 kilometers" distance. In Africa, there are millions of people whose only aim is to enter Europe due to poverty experienced in their country. For these immigra...

  • 球迷总动员 La gran final


    导演:Gerardo Olivares   编剧:Gerardo Olivares, Chema Rodríguez

    主演:Atibou Aboubacar, Ahmed Alansar, Zeinolda Igiza

      2002年世界杯决赛在即,全世界都为了那小小的皮球疯狂着迷。蒙古阿尔泰山区,年轻人寇山(Esentai Samer Khan 饰)和父兄外出打猎。他无心眼前渐行渐远的猎物,一心惦念即将上演的德国和巴西的总决赛。足球改变了这户牧民千百年来逐水草而居的习惯,为了看到决赛,他们四处寻找电力;尼日尔泰内雷沙漠,落魄贵族哈桑(Atibou Aboubacar 饰)和随从们在沙漠中长途跋涉,他们的骆驼身上绑着一台电视,但糊涂的随从忘记带蓄电池,他们必须尽快赶到“大树”下以便准时收看决赛;巴西亚马逊丛林,印第安原著民也为那狂热的体育运动所吸引,猎人夏曼穿着巴西的9号球服,带着伙伴四处寻找电视,好为他所支持的巴西队呐喊助威……